Warm Space
Both Aberuthven and Dunning Churches (in conjunction with Dunning Community Council) participated in the P&K Warm Space initiative.
Hope to see you there all are welcome, See the details below
Aberuthven Church
Cafe @ Church 12 till 3 all welcome for soup and a sandwich pushed for time just pop in for a cuppa and a chat we look forward to saying hello (pet friendly)
April 2nd, 16th and May 7th and 21st.
Dunning Church Hall
Craft Group with light refreshments 1:30 every Thursday afternoon. All welcome.
Good News !
A welcoming Church at the heart of Perthshire
Aberuthven and Dunning Church of Scotland, a congregation in rural Perhshire, offers members - and visitors - a chance to become part of something greater. To grow in their love of God and for one another within our beautiful community.
A group of young people summed up their feelings that they are "bewildered in a scary and confused world". The good news of Jesus Christ gives us "a secure and certain hope" We invite folk to examine the evidence and so find this security in their experience of a relationship with God made possible by Jesus.
In the midst of all the uncertainties "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and for ever" He came to change the world by changing people, filling us with His love which is to overflow in caring for others.