Prayer Chain
For 25 years a Confidential Prayer Ministry has been operating across our linked parishes. The Ministry exists primarily so that we can pray for one another for healing. it is there to provide support for those in need, whether they are members of our parishes or not. For more information contact Alfred & Celia Marshall 01764 684058
Good News !
A welcoming Church at the heart of Perthshire
Aberuthven and Dunning Church of Scotland, a congregation in rural Perhshire, offers members - and visitors - a chance to become part of something greater. To grow in their love of God and for one another within our beautiful community.
A group of young people summed up their feelings that they are "bewildered in a scary and confused world". The good news of Jesus Christ gives us "a secure and certain hope" We invite folk to examine the evidence and so find this security in their experience of a relationship with God made possible by Jesus.
In the midst of all the uncertainties "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and for ever" He came to change the world by changing people, filling us with His love which is to overflow in caring for others.